Sunday, March 16, 2008

I don't have a title for this one

This piece goes along with a the bit two posts ago

After finishing my lunch, I had begun to stare blankly at the pages of text lined up before my eyes. The din of the surrounding conversations had reached the point of nothingness, pure white noise. Not being able to make out a single voice, all meshed together. This is why I’ve always been able to study there; sitting there on the mercilessly hard chair, my arms resting on the sticky grey surface of the table. But I was into my second hour of reading. This may not seem like much, but with four hours of sleep and two classes left with a large portion of work in between, it was beginning to wear. I had been eating alone for a while at this point. Without actually reading I lost my thoughts in the white found in between the black.

Things happen. Joe has mostly night classes. Chuck doesn’t have class on Monday or Wednesday. I see Doug sometimes, but only for a few minutes. It works though. I can work between classes and relax after. With my classes done I can go to others houses, waste time at the diner, or simply go home and do. I haven’t talked to Luke in a while though. He transferred to main campus this semester and didn’t tell me. I guess he figured I knew. But we still talk. The internet with all its uses helps. He’s a stand up guy for a Catholic. I’ve known him since sixth grade. He’s the right wing fascist, I’m the godless libertarian. But we had gotten to know each other before that. Before politics and religion claimed the complete control over our lives which it tends to do in adulthood. We were kids freaking out over the latest leaked screenshots for an upcoming video game. It’s been about eight years. Years which led to a solid respect for both parties involved. I should talk to him more

With the screeching of a chair grinding on the tile floor I was snapped back into the cafeteria. 1:25. Class in thirty-five minutes. I decided to go to the nearest bathroom to make room for more coffee before taking the long way to class. I stood up, and as I put my coat on checked for my wallet, phone, and cigarettes. And as I picked up my bag I slowly made my way to my current destination. Inside the bathroom I’m alone. The quiet seemed odd after almost two hours of constant noise. Having made my way to the nearest stall, and with the door closed in front of me, I did what people do in bathroom stalls. My mind wandered to my phone. It was on silent so I slid the folding piece of electronics out of my pocket. 1:10, Joe. Having mentioned the day before that I may stop by after class, I knew the purpose of the call. Knowing how I am with remembering things, he called to make sure I was still on track. He called just to make sure I’d make a left instead of a right after my last class. I dialed his number. As the phone ringed, a person walked into the bathroom. I don’t know who, but I remember the sound of the door and the shadows of feet below the stall door. With a click Joe picked up his phone.

“Hey man, you called like twenty minutes ago, what’s up?”

“Did you hear? Luke’s dead.”

“Wait, Luke ___ Luke?”

“Yep, Friday, it was a car accident.”

And with that last word the little row of bars indicating my signal strength lost its smallest part and the call dropped, leaving me with only the shuffling of the person outside. I stared forward and understood nothing. I understand nothing.

1 comment:

jrf5 said...

I am really glad that you followed up to your original story. This further explains the who and what... I love reading your posts they are really good!